A communication vehicle for the Chehalem Mountain Chapter of the Oregon Dressage Society.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
It's just three months away
It's that most wonderful time of the year!
It’s time again for our annual chapter Christmas party! Based on attendance, this has to be everyone's favorite event – I know it's one of mine. I always look forward to the chance to visit with members and catch up on the goings-on with their horses. It doesn’t hurt that the rooms are filled with beautiful decorations, good food, pretty presents, smiles and laughter as well.
Suzi Ronning is so gracious to host us again this year at her home just outside Newberg (29895 NE Wilsonville Road, Newberg OR 97132). The party will be held on Sunday, December 11, beginning at 4:00 p.m. The chapter provides ham; please bring your favorite sides, salads and desserts to go along with that. We will also have our usual cutthroat gift exchange, so bring a wrapped gift costing no more than $20.
If you are new to our area and/or our chapter, I hope you are able to come and get acquainted. If you have come before, then I look forward to seeing you there!
Mary Ann Trout, President
Chehalem Mt. Chapter of ODS
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
November meeting reminder
Our November meeting will be on Wednesday, the 9th, at Clover Valley Equestrian Center, our usual meeting date and place. Patty from Gallops Saddlery is coming to talk about bits and bitting. (It would be great to have some snacks to bite while listening, so bring some to share!)
I have been remiss in posting the minutes of our September and October meetings; so sorry! I'll try to get those up here on the blog soon for those, like me, who were unable to attend.
I have been remiss in posting the minutes of our September and October meetings; so sorry! I'll try to get those up here on the blog soon for those, like me, who were unable to attend.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Annual elections meeting this week!
We will be holding our annual election of officers meeting on October 12, 7:00 p.m., at MOD Pizza (21370 SW Langer Farms Pkwy, Sherwood). Bring nominations to the meeting, or email them to our president, Mary Ann Trout (seemssoeasy@aol.com). Come and participate in the process and in your chapter!
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Plan to attend our September 14 chapter meeting!
We have a guest speaker lined up for our next chapter meeting.
Ilene Nessenson of Holistic Horse Bodyworks will be our educator for the evening of September 14. She will talk to us about Equi-Tape Elastic Kinesiology Tape for horses and stretches we can do with our horses to keep them limber and engaged.
Watch this quick video to get an idea of the importance of stretching and to "meet" Ilene.
(Copy and paste link into browser address bar if clicking on the link does not work.)
Kinesiology taping is a taping technique designed for use in both therapeutic (injury rehabilitation) and working athletic situations. Kinesiology tape has been successfully used on humans for over 25 years. It gained significant popularity during the 2012 Summer Olympics. As seen on TV, many elite athletes use kinesiology tape – Kerri Walsh, Venus Williams, Usain Bolt and Michael Johnson, just to name a few.
During the last few years, the adhesive and taping techniques and patterns have been modified for use in the equine and animal world. Just as human athletes can wear the tape when training for their sport, horses can also be ridden with the tape when they are working. The tape can also be applied when a horse is recovering from an injury.
Ilene is the equine massage therapist, body worker and saddle fitter/reflocker for the Portland Mounted Patrol. She also works on privately owned horses of all breeds and disciplines. Her clients range from competitive show horses in multiple disciplines to individuals who simply enjoy a pleasurable trail ride or ride in the ring, as well as those who are caring for their geriatric equine companion. She also works with equine rescue organizations.
Ilene owns a thoroughbred named Rex and rides primarily hunter/jumper, though she also enjoys riding western pleasure and trail riding. Ilene also incorporates some basic dressage into her riding routine to help keep Rex flexible and strong, and to occupy his very busy brain.
Ilene Nessenson, J.D.
Certified Equine Body Worker
Certified Yoga Instructor
Certified Equine Body Worker
Certified Yoga Instructor
Holistic Horse Bodyworks, LLC
1451 NE Parkside Drive
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124
Phone: (503) 867-1023
email: ilene@HolisticHorseBodyworks.c om
1451 NE Parkside Drive
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124
Phone: (503) 867-1023
email: ilene@HolisticHorseBodyworks.c
Sunday, August 7, 2016
July meeting minutes; August meeting coming right up!
At our July 13 meeting, we spent time reviewing this year’s Bears Above the Ground League show and making plans for next year’s Bears show. Since this is our chapter’s annual fundraiser, we discussed how we should use the funds raised. President Mary Ann pointed out that since we are a tax-exempt organization, we ought to have some vision about what we are raising funds for. At our May meeting, we talked about contributing funds toward the purchase of a mobile handicapped mounting block for ODS shows, but we really need more information before we can act on that. Meanwhile, we voted to sponsor a slot for the Region 6 Youth Dressage Overnight Camp at DevonWood. Besides donations, we can also provide classes or other learning experiences for CMC members. We should develop a plan for education.
As for next year's show, We have reserved the Yamhill County Fairgrounds for February 25-26, 2017. The Fairgounds will draw up a contract, probably in December or January. We will not be required to deposit any money until we sign the contract.
Motion: Mary Ann will be the Show Manager next year. Motion passed.
Motion: Jorine will be the Show Secretary next year. Motion passed.
No motion was made, but we are inclined to invite Jessica and Suzi back to be judges.
We mentioned several purchases that might need to be made, but no decisions were made at this time. Other topics discussed included the following:
Should we advertise the show early (perhaps in September)?
Should we retain the High Points awards? If we retain them, should we change the process?
Include Western Dressage?
Maybe have a class Friday afternoon? (As an additional source of revenue?)
Next we turned our attention to possible sites and dates for our annual picnic and officer election meeting. Suggested sites were Flying M Ranch, Perrydale Trails, and JoAnn Cooke's property; there was vigorous discussion but no decision was made. It was suggested that we elect officers at our August meeting and make a final decision about our annual picnic then.
That August meeting is at 7:00 p.m. this Wednesday, the 10th, at Clover Valley Equestrian Center. Please come and give us your input!
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
A full and informative evening
On Monday, June 6, members of the Chehalem Mt. Chapter met at DevonWood Equestrian Centre for a mini-clinic with Jessica Rattner and Amerika, her mechanical mount. What a lot of great education was packed into the evening!
While putting America through her paces, Jessica explained how she uses this tool to assist riders in finding better position and alignment in the saddle. Having a consistent, 100% reliable mount and constant visible feedback via the screen in front of the rider makes retraining one’s muscles and proprioception much easier. Jessica shared how her own riding position has evolved, helping her overcome pain and fatigue caused by old habits.
Then one lucky member’s name was drawn from our “volunteer ticket box” to be a demonstration rider; congratulations, Jane Baer! We all witnessed how Jane’s leg grew more relaxed and her posture more “stacked” with Jessica’s help. Jane said it was very helpful, and plans to take follow-up lessons to help her retain what she learned. (Everyone who attended was offered 50% off one lesson with Jessica/Amerika.)
To add to our “toolbox," Jessica demonstrated some unmounted stretches for riders at the end of the mini-clinic. We all left with plenty to ponder and practice, and agreed that Jessica and Amerika are a valuable resource in our equestrian community.
Jessica is lying on a rigid foam roll in this last stretch |
Our next chapter meeting will be held July 13, along with a potluck supper; hope to see a big turn-out!
Monday, March 14, 2016
An invitation to Kristy DeVries' memorial service
Dirk DeVries called this morning to invite us all to Kristy’s memorial service. It will be held at OHSU this Saturday at 2:00 p.m. All the information (along with a wonderful homage under 'OBITUARY') is listed at:
Please note the request to RSVP if you plan to attend, so enough chairs and refreshments can be arranged.
Monday, March 7, 2016
It's a post-show potato party!
The Chehalem Mountain Chapter of the Oregon Dressage Society is having its next meeting on Wednesday, March 9. If you've never come to a chapter meeting and would like to, google Clover Valley Equestrian Center (Newberg) and show up at 7 pm.
Mary Ann – cheese
[By my vote, if somebody wants to come and you didn't sign up, bring something meat-y; but hey I'm a guy.]
Will Worrall
Thursday, February 18, 2016
February minutes; countdown to Bears!
Here are the minutes for our most recent meeting, held on Wednesday, February 10, at Clover Valley Equestrian Center. Our next meeting will be held at the same place on Wednesday, March 9, at 7:00 p.m.
Below the minutes is a note about sponsorship of the Bears show, and earning a qualifying score for the ODS League Finals Show.
Below the minutes is a note about sponsorship of the Bears show, and earning a qualifying score for the ODS League Finals Show.
CMC minutes, 2/10/2016
Bears show
As of 2/10, there were 20 rides for Saturday, and 22 for Sunday.
We will hold the show, regardless of the number of entries. We will continue to accept entries.
[We had a wide-ranging discussion on topics such as the condition of local shows in general; how to advertise the Bears show; and the status of various prizes. No substantial decisions were made, and there were no motions.]
Follow-up to January meeting
In January, we authorized donating money to 4H so that the Yamhill County 4H could have an L-level dressage judge. Good news: the state 4H will have an L-level judge at the State Fair. Hopefully, this decision will continue into future years.
In January, we changed our meeting date from the second Wednesday of the month to the third Wednesday of the month. In the February meeting, we reversed this decision. We will continue to meet on the second Wednesday, at least for the time being.
Future plans (discussion)
We briefly discussed what we might want the chapter to be like.
We did make this decision: if you bring a friend, you get an extra ticket for the year-end drawing.
The following possibilities for the future were raised. No decisions were made at this time. What do we want to be...
Social, including outside activities such as roping?
Educational, centered only/mainly around dressage?
Schedule to go to certain events?
Don't call it a meeting; call it a social, or a get-together, or a gathering?
Sharon: maybe a couple of fun things?
Mechanical horse at Devonwood that knows dressage and responds to what the rider is doing?
Dressage equitation?
March meeting (March 9)
We will celebrate post-Bears with a baked potato bar. Potatoes will be provided. Bring you own topping. Members who were present passed a sign-up list indicating what they would bring. We also encourage people to bring a salad or dessert.
Present: Patty Armstrong, Jane Baer, Kate Beevers, JoAnn Cooke, Amanda de la Iglesia (friend of Karina's), Sylvia Kantas, Sharon Knowlton, Cary & Janet Kraft, Michelle McMillen, Karina Molatore, Jorine Rietman, Vickie Smith, Mary Ann Trout, Janis and Will Worrall.
We are still accepting sponsorships for the show. Sponsor levels begin at the bronze level for $25, and can be from individuals as well corporations/small businesses. Why not join with a friend or barn buddy and sponsor a class?
For further details, please contact Jane at englishrose@embarqmail.com or 949-233-2724, or our show manager, Mary Ann, at seemssoeasy@aol.com.
You can earn a Qualifying Score for the ODS League Finals Show at the Bears Above the Ground Show. Minimum score required is 55%. You must be an ODS member in good standing on the day of the show. Please note that although Bears is a two-day show, it is classified as ONE show, so you can only earn one qualifying score. However, if you get that score you’ll be halfway to qualifying for the Finals Show! Further details are on the ODS website and we’ll have them available at Bears, as well as ODS membership sign-up forms.
Thank you for supporting the Chehalem Mountain Chapter of ODS, and our Bears Above the Ground Show.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
January minutes
Here are the minutes for our most recent meeting, held on Wednesday, January 13, at Clover Valley Equestrian Center. Our next meeting will be held at the same place on Wednesday, February 10, at 7:00 p.m.
CMC minutes, 1/13/2016
No shiny new faces needed to be introduced.
News & Shares
Kristy DeVries' memorial service will be in February, date TBA, according to Kristy's husband Dirk. CMC chapter members will be welcome.
Treasurer’s report
Jorine (the treasurer) couldn't come. The second-Wednesday meeting dates are not good for her for the first six months of the year. (See also meeting date topic, below.)
The insurance issue for Bears got resolved.
Key Bank CD matures on March 19 2016.
The treasurer’s report was given by Mary Ann, and accepted.
Bears show update
1) Volunteers (Sharon)
Sharon sent email requesting volunteers, but many holes remained. Signup sheet passed. Several slots were filled at tonight's meeting.
2) Sponsor solicitation (Jane)
Jane has recruited a few sponsors already.
Jane read a letter requesting businesses or individuals to sponsor a Bears class. (See under Advertising/Promotion, below.)
There will be a program for the show (for the first time ever).
3) Prizes (Mary Ann & Patty)
First place prizes: mugs filled with peppermints. Mugs are $4-5 apiece.
Motion: We will buy 72 blue mugs, which will cover 1st place prizes for two years.
Motion passed.
Some new dressage books (ten or so), donated by Cary Kraft, can be given as 2nd or 3rd place prizes.
4) Advertising/Promotion
Using the new mailing list, the secretary will send the following Bears-related materials to all CMC members.
The letter requesting businesses or individuals to sponsor an event.
The prize list.
The concession stand's menu.
(At this time, the secretary described how draft minutes will be emailed to attendees within 24 hours for their review. Concerning distribution of these minutes beyond CMC: Patty will post the minutes on our chapter's Facebook page. Michelle will post them on our blog. Michelle will also rewrite the minutes in a narrative form, and submit the narrative to ODS for publication in Flying Changes.)
5) Other Bears-related matters.
Show signup opens January 20.
Parking passes for paid campers: Vickie Smith will make out parking passes.
Goodie bags: Mary Ann read a portion of the minutes from last meeting. According to those minutes, we liked the idea of goodie bags for each participant.
Motion: we will not provide goodie bags. We will buy a large bag of carrots so that we can have carrots available in the office.
Motion passed.
Meeting dates
Beginning in March, we will move the meeting to the 3rd Wednesday of the month. The February meeting will be on February 10.
New business
Is anybody going to the ODS retreat? Tentatively: Mary Ann, Karina Molatore, Vickie Smith.
Motion: The chapter will pay their costs, so that they will represent us.
Motion passed.
Vickie described the judging of the 4H dressage program in Yamhill County. Could this chapter support hiring a dressage judge who knows how to judge?
Motion: CMC chapter will donate funds to hire an L-judge for one day for pre-fair and one day for the Fair. (This is a chance to promote dressage beyond our own activities, and promote dressage to youth.)
Motion passed.
Chapter activities: this item was on the agenda, but we ran out of time. We will discuss chapter activities at the next meeting. Come with ideas.
Patty Armstrong, Jane Baer, Kate Beevers, Sylvia Kantas, Sharon Knowlton, Cary & Janet Kraft, Eric McKown, Michelle McMillen, Karina & Paul Molatore, Suzi Ronning, Vickie Smith, Robin Stern, Mary Ann Trout, Janis & Will Worrall.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Gearing up for Bears
Our chapter's annual Bears Above the Ground ODS League show is coming up at the end of February. Entries open next week, so start filling out those entry forms! Volunteers are needed, too. See our prize list below.
The Yamhill County Fairgrounds has a new concessionaire with good food and prices, so we hope everyone will support it. The menu is included after the Bears prize list.
The Yamhill County Fairgrounds has a new concessionaire with good food and prices, so we hope everyone will support it. The menu is included after the Bears prize list.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
First meeting of 2016
Our first chapter meeting for 2016 will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 13th at 7:00 pm. We will meet at Clover Valley Equestrian Center, 14275 NE Tangen Rd. Newberg, OR. Be sure to mark it on your calendar.
I copied and pasted the above from the last email Kristy sent out to the chapter the night of December 18. Kirsty was the impetus to revive this blog as a communication vehicle. Let's honor her intention of being active in our chapter (and doing more with her horses this year) by showing up! I will share the news I have through Rick from Kristy's husband Dirk.
See you there, friends.
I copied and pasted the above from the last email Kristy sent out to the chapter the night of December 18. Kirsty was the impetus to revive this blog as a communication vehicle. Let's honor her intention of being active in our chapter (and doing more with her horses this year) by showing up! I will share the news I have through Rick from Kristy's husband Dirk.
See you there, friends.
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